The life of a plant or animal is affeted by many things in its surroundings, or environment.
The enviroment includes the air, water, soil, climate, and the living things in the area. We are responsible for many of the changes of the natural enviroment. Many of these changes have become a threat to life on earth. We are beginning to understand that there are many things we can do to save our environment and must all work together to do what we can.
There are a lot of problems on our planet Earth: air and water pollution, disappearing forest, endangered plants and animals like the whale and the panda.
But there are a lot of things which can be done, like pretecting the forests. Trees are very giving. They give us wood and fruit, they serve as wind barriers and noise buffers. They also give us shade and oxygen.
We must use trees wisely and plant new trees to replace those that are cut down to make paper.Reducing the amount of paper we use, reusing the one we have and recycling the paper we do not need are some ways to help save the trees.
For instance, you should write on both sides of a piece of paper, use a cloth towel instead of a paper towel to dry your hands and don't use plastic bags at the supermarket, especially if you use the bag only once and throw it away. Take a cloth bag that you can use again and again.
More and more people all over the world realize that global warning is real and serious problem.The summers are hotter and the winters are warmer. As a result, glaciers have become smaller. Storms will be become worse, too.
Take action adn save the planet today!
- Take a public transportation like trains and buses as much as possible. Even better, walk.
- Use less water at home. For example, when you brush your teeth, turn off the water.
- Turn off the lights, computer, TV, and so on when you're not using them. This will decrease your electricity consumption.
-Recycle newspapers, aluminun cans, plastic bottles, and so on.
- Organize or participate in a clean-up day in your neighborhood. Help clean the parks, beaches, and land in the area.
What do you know about global warming?
Is global warming a problem?Why/not?
How do you protect the enviromente? Please explain.
Do you think cars should be banned from city centres?
How has the world changed dince you were a child?
What are some ways that you can reduce pollution in this country?
What can you do to make this world a better place?
Do you thing recycling is an important community service? Do you recycle?
a gale- viento fuerte
atmosphere- atmósfera
coal- carbón
ice cap- casquete polar
glacier- glaciar
pollution- polución
acid rain- lluvia ácida
aerosol- spray aerosol
climate- clima
soil, earth- tierra
conservation- conservación
animal welfare- bienestar de los animales-habitat
endangered species- especies en peligro
energy- energía
nuclear energy- energía nuclear
exhaust fumes- contaminación emitida por los tubos de escape.
fertilizers- fertilizantes
pesticides- pesticidas
global warning- calentamiento global
oil-slick- capa de aceite, petroleo u similares que cubren un area. PRESTIGE, vertido de petróleo en el mar
rain forest-
waste- desperdicios, basura
litter- despercicios, pero pequeños como la envoltura de una chocolatina, una lata de cola...
protected animal- animales protegidos
(non) renewable resouces- recursos no renovables.
wildlife- vida salvaje
shipwaste- desperdicios, basuras de los barcos
sewage disposal- aguas residuales: fregaderos, bañeras, water...
intensive farming- cuando hay más cosechas de lo normal
shortage-no hay suficiente de algo
smog- mezcla de humo y niebla
to recycle- reciclar
to prevent- prevenir
to melt- derretir
to destroy- destruir
to dispose- deshacerse de
to dump- tirar, verter en sitios no apropiados
clean up- limpiar
to plant- plantar
spill something- derramar
to cut down- talar, reducir algo
to pollute- contaminar
to save- salvar
Throw away- tirar
to let- dejar
to extinct- extinguir
rubbish- cosas que tiramos, basura
to harm- dañar
to chase- perseguir
to wound- herir
to solve- solucionar
recycling bin- contenedores para reciclar
crops- cultivos
weeds- malas hierbas
heatwave- ola de calor
affect- verbo afectar
effect- nombre, efecto
flood- inundación
earthquake- terremoto
tidal wave- tsunami
typhoon- tifón
hyrricane- huracán
volcanic eruption- volcán en erupción
Use the word in the box of acid rain.
The effects of acid..............are clearly seen in lakes, streams, rivers and oceans. Acid rain directly......... on water, and it can flow into............after it falls on land. Lakes and streams become acidic (theire pH value goes down) when the water can not neutralize the...............rain. Animals the water environment are hurt or .........................Furthermore, .....................that eat prey that is affected will be killed because they will be consuming acid.
Many people......................their rubbish into streams, lakes, eivers and oceans. Some examples of this rubbish are...................., paper,........................, and other household products. When lpeople dump cleaning products into the................ they are endagering its........................ Ehen plastic is dumpend in ......................, ducks are at risk because they might be strangled and when dumped in the ocean,................. might be killed. Alumninum tins can................the animals and fish.
Many...............................have pipes that drain chemicals into rivers or....................
These chemnicals can as they are carried downstream.Furthermore, the added.....................can warm the river, which decreases the amont of.................... that the fish need to live.
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