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viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012




Hablar de 2 acciones que estarán ocurriendo al mismo tiempo en el futuro.
My husband will be repairing his car while I will be ironing

Para hacer referencia a hechos o actividades futuras que ya han sido decididas o acordadas con anterioridad.

He will be playing a tennis match against Nadal next month at 5 pm
This time next week, I’ll be taking my exam.

Para describir acciones que se estarán desarrollando en un punto concreto del futuro.
We’ll still be working at 10 pm tomorrow night
I’ll  be getting up early every day next week
Will you be staying with us again tonight?

Cuando queremos pedirle un favor a alguién y se lo preguntamos muy cortésmente.
I won’t be using my car until next week. Can I borrow it?

Es una forma útil de preguntar por los planes de alguién
How long will you be staying in Scotland?

Future Continuous cannot be used in sentences beginning with: while, when, before, by the time, if, etc.

USE 1: Future actions in progress
The first use of the Future Continuous is to express future action in progress.

  • In an hour, I will be sitting in front of my TV.
  • In the evening, I will be baking a birthday cake.
USE 2: Guesses
Use this tense also to make guesses about something in the present or future.
  • He won't be coming any time soon. He is still at the office.
  • Beatrice will be getting married very soon.
USE 3: Questions
And the last use of the tense is to make polite questions about something or somebody.
  • Will you be coming home before or after 10 p.m.?
  • Will you be going to the supermarket? I have something to buy.


Para hablar de algo que imaginas que ha terminado en un tiempo en el futuro pero que en realidad aún no ha pasado

By this afternoon, I will have arrive at home.
I won’t have finished the book by tomorrow

Para hablar de acciones que se habrán completado en un momento concreto del futuro. Se suele usar “By”

Before summer you’ll have sold your house
The film will have finished by 9 o’clock.
By this evening I’won’t have done my homework

Will you have bought a new car before summer?
Will we have travelled to London by this evening?

By 9 0’clock she will not have prepared the dinner
Before you arive, we will not have watered the garden
Won’t you have eaten the dinner by 10 o’clock?


will have driven
will have been driving
Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using either the future perfect simple or continuous tenses.

1By the time we get to the party, Betty Bo ______________________ everything.(eat)
2When we get to March, Simba ______________________ in Thailand for 18 months.(live)
3There's no point going now. The bus ______________________ by the time we get there.(leave)
4Be prepared to stand up during the concert as they ______________________ all the seats by now.(take)
5Come May, we ______________________ out together for four weeks.(go out)
6When you get to Chicago., you ______________________ for five hours.(fly)
7I'm sure that when we go to the meeting, all the important decisions ______________________ beforehand.(take PASSIVE)
8This time tomorrow I ______________________ all my exams.(finish)
9A week Monday we ______________________ the course.(complete)
10Old Mr Macaber ______________________ maths for 20 years by the end of this term.(teach)
11Come next spring, we ______________________ in Scotland for two years.(work)
12By the time you wake up tomorrow morning, Andrew ______________________ in Brazil.(arrive)
13At this rate, we ______________________ everything ready by nine o'clock.(get)
14Paul______________________ at sea 12 days by the time he enters English waters.(be)
15If what scientists say is true, humans ______________________  life a miserable existence within the next 15 years.(make)

will have eaten                                      
will have been living
will have left
will have taken
will have been going out
will have been flying
will have been taken
will have finished
will have completed
will have been teaching
will have been working
will have arrived
will have got
will have been
will have made

Fill in the correct form verb in either the future perfect simple or future perfect progressive tense.
  1. Tamara will have completed her Bachelor’s Degree by June. (complete)
  2. The customer service department will have been operating for 2 years by then. (operate)
  1. By the time I start my shift, Dr. Frazier _________ for 18 hours straight. (work)
  2. Sheila ____ the scholarship by the time she starts school in September. (get)
  3. By this time next month, I hope they ____building the community center. (finish)
  4. Professor Adams ______ at this university for 25 years by the time he retires in June. (teach)
  5. By this time tomorrow night we ______ in Australia. (arrive)
  6. ______ he ______ the message by the time your flight takes off? (receive)
  7. Dana _____ the night shift by the time you get up in the morning. (not finish)
  8. The team _____ at the exhibition for five hours by the time I arrive there. (work)
  9. By the time we get on the plane, they ____already _____ the luggage. (load)
  10. By 2025, I hope researchers ______ a cure for cancer. (find)
  1. will have been working
  2. will have gotten
  3. will not have seen
  4. will have been teaching
  5. will have arrived
  6. Will/have received
  7. won’t have finished
  8. will have been working
  9. will/have loaded
  10. will have found

Put the verbs into the correct form (future progressive).

  1. Tomorrow morning we (work) .
  2. This time next week we (have) a party.
  3. At midnight I (sleep) .
  4. This evening we (watch) a talk show.
  5. They (not/do) their homework this afternoon.
  6. He (listen) to music.
  7. I (read) a book this evening.
  8. (walk / you) home this afternoon?
  9. He (not/draw) tomorrow morning
  10. They (argue) again?
Answers: will be working, will be having, will be sleeping, will be watching, will not be working, will be listening, will be reading, will you be walking, will not be drawing, will be arguing.

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Sources where we have find the educational material and movies which are being published in this blog: peliculasid, peliculashd, tucinecom, gnula, peliculas-flv, conecta 2, smotri, mirafriends, seriesyonkis, tv.blinks, esl-lounge, NEF, breakingnews, 5minutenglish, agendaweb, series911, Gnula, danko, teleepisodes, BBC, a4esl,


El material didáctico y las peliculas contenidas en este blog, tienen el objetivo de ser una herramienta más, para favorecer el aprendizaje de idiomas, y no con ánimo de lucro. Los estudiantes utilizan nuestro blog para estudiar las destrezas que tienen que superar en los exámenes.
Este blog no es responsable del contenido de los enlaces externos para ver series, peliculas, etc. Thanks VK.

Este blog no comercializa ni se lucra de ninguna forma del material publicado en el mismo, cuyas fuentes en su mayoría, es la propia red. Nosotros no publicamos banners ni ningún tipo de publicidad.

En caso de reclamaciones por parte de las fuentes de dicho material, procederemos a eliminarlo de nuestro de blog, de inmediato, ya que nuestra intención ha sido de buena fé, y en ningún momento nos hemos lucrado del material de otros.


This blog has been created by a student in a personal way with the aim of sharing the information in it with the rest of the students, therefore the E.O.I.of Lorca has no responsability for the comments or any information contained in this blog.
Thanks to those people who, without partipatining in the contents of the blog, have written giving us their support.
Through this blog we want to thank the teachers for their e-mails of support and good advice which helped us to improve the eoistudents' stuff.
As students we commit grammatical errors when we write our comments which we continue trying to correct.
Thanks also to the many students who have visited the blog and have written telling us how much effort that we have made to make the contents helpful to those who are learning English and they encourage us to continue with this proyect.
The educational material comes from approved sources dedicated to the learning of English. Most of it do not own.
If there are any errors it is because those sources already contain them and not as a result of the work of the creators of the blog, even the books we always use in class contain some errors.