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If you click on the picture you  will find all information that you need to learn English
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viernes, 13 de julio de 2012


Jill Davies is an accountant. She’s 42, she’s married, she has two children, and she lives in a small village in the north of England. But 25 years ago she was an 18-year-old teenager. It was the 1980s and she lived in Manchester.
‘I hated being a teenager,’ says Jill. ‘Now, I look back, and I think, ‘Wow, what a fantastic time!’ but then it was terrible. I didn’t like my hair or my clothes. I thought my dad was great, but I didn’t like my mum. She told me what to do all the time but I never listened! I wanted to be cool, but I wasn’t. I didn’t have a boyfriend and my clothes were terrible. I wore short skirts and tight jeans and a lot of make-up. I listened to New Romantic pop music – Duran Duran and Boy George were my favourites – and at the weekend I went out to discos and didn’t come home until two or three in the morning.’
‘Today, everybody goes to university when they leave school, but when I was young, this wasn’t true. My friends and I left school at 18, and there weren’t any jobs. I worked in a shop for three years. I was 22 when I went to college and trained to be an accountant.’
Emily Johnson is a student, and she’s going to be 18 next week. She lives in Stockport, a town near Manchester, with some friends. Her parents and her younger brother live in a house nearby.
‘I like being a teenager,’ says Emily. ‘I have good friends and a really nice boyfriend. I don’t go out very often, but I text my friends all the time or we chat online. On weekdays, I meet my friends in a café near college, or I watch DVDs at my boyfriend’s house. Sometimes we go to the cinema on Saturday night. I usually wear comfortable clothes – T-shirts and jeans. And I download a lot of music from the Internet. I love listening to Kate Nash and Lily Allen. They’re really cool.’
‘I study French at school, but I’m going to do Spanish at university next year. I love languages and I want to work in different countries.’

Example:    Is Jill married?   Yes   ü     No         
1   Does she have any children?                   Yes          No         
2   Does she live in Manchester now?          Yes          No         
3   Was she happy when she was 18?           Yes          No         
4   Did she like her father?                           Yes          No         
5   Did she have a boyfriend?                      Yes          No         
6   Did she go to university?                         Yes          No         
7   Does Emily live with her parents?           Yes          No         
8   Does she often go out at the weekend?   Yes          No         
9   Is she at university at the moment?          Yes          No         

            1   Yes
2   No
3   No
4   Yes
5   No
6   No
7   No
8   No
             9   No

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Sources where we have find the educational material and movies which are being published in this blog: peliculasid, peliculashd, tucinecom, gnula, peliculas-flv, conecta 2, smotri, mirafriends, seriesyonkis, tv.blinks, esl-lounge, NEF, breakingnews, 5minutenglish, agendaweb, series911, Gnula, danko, teleepisodes, BBC, a4esl,


El material didáctico y las peliculas contenidas en este blog, tienen el objetivo de ser una herramienta más, para favorecer el aprendizaje de idiomas, y no con ánimo de lucro. Los estudiantes utilizan nuestro blog para estudiar las destrezas que tienen que superar en los exámenes.
Este blog no es responsable del contenido de los enlaces externos para ver series, peliculas, etc. Thanks VK.

Este blog no comercializa ni se lucra de ninguna forma del material publicado en el mismo, cuyas fuentes en su mayoría, es la propia red. Nosotros no publicamos banners ni ningún tipo de publicidad.

En caso de reclamaciones por parte de las fuentes de dicho material, procederemos a eliminarlo de nuestro de blog, de inmediato, ya que nuestra intención ha sido de buena fé, y en ningún momento nos hemos lucrado del material de otros.


This blog has been created by a student in a personal way with the aim of sharing the information in it with the rest of the students, therefore the E.O.I.of Lorca has no responsability for the comments or any information contained in this blog.
Thanks to those people who, without partipatining in the contents of the blog, have written giving us their support.
Through this blog we want to thank the teachers for their e-mails of support and good advice which helped us to improve the eoistudents' stuff.
As students we commit grammatical errors when we write our comments which we continue trying to correct.
Thanks also to the many students who have visited the blog and have written telling us how much effort that we have made to make the contents helpful to those who are learning English and they encourage us to continue with this proyect.
The educational material comes from approved sources dedicated to the learning of English. Most of it do not own.
If there are any errors it is because those sources already contain them and not as a result of the work of the creators of the blog, even the books we always use in class contain some errors.